Saturday 16 March 2013

On Titanic & still dancing.

We're amusing ourselves to death
We're giggling as we go
We're the dance band on the Titanic
And nobody wants to know
Anything to stop us thinking
Anything to give us a thrill
We've chosen the path of pleasure
Even if it kills......
                                                                                                                     by Garth Hewitt.

That is exactly what I said to my friend on Sunday after the church service. In prose.  Imagine how existed I was after I've found a poetry version?!

Every Friday night our eldest son and my husband drive to in-door skate park. After they finish,  they are ready to eat an elephant, let along a burger. All decent places already shut down, so often they end up in MacDonald. It is easy, convenient  on route, cheap. For a very long time I had no idea how this could be anything else than just a cheap snack to tie them over before they have food much later at home.

There is a saying: 'I learn something new every day' .  The DAY that I've learnt about MacDonald's and how this business venture shaped the world now, was a day of a  HUGE REVELATION.

I'm not going to write about every detail that I've discovered. Instead, if you are a person who like to watch films where justice prevails, where evil comes to a permanent end, where good triumphs, no matter the cost, this documentary  will be just your cup of tea. Guess what else? You will be the one to eliminate the criminals and fight against evil. Go to Netflix and  watch this documentary film for yourself, 'Food, Inc.'

Just watching 30 minutes of this film will give you a clear idea about  human greed,absence of any  integrity in some businesses, a real 'cost' of cheap food & your health, glimpse of hidden reality, what certain food will do to your health.

'Enjoy' watching. I have to add that with such knowledge comes responsibility and decision to make: 'Will I carry on supporting these businesses ignorantly or Will I take a stand against them by ignoring them with my money?' Sometimes 'quiet fighting' is the most brave one. It will be a cost to pay, but crowds will not cheer you on for this. Will you do it?
                                                                                                   Count me in.

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