Friday 29 March 2013

A Good Friday or just a Spring celebration?

The other day I was making cinnamon and pumpkin seeds rolls for the children. I've spent half of my day on that luxury. But I thought it was worth it. Almost every day I read something disturbing about food in the supermarket. Some friends probably think by now that I enjoy it or have nothing better to do. As far as I know, I  probably wont change massive business operations by not buying their products, but I hate being naive and totally disarmed  about it .
As I was in the middle of working with the dough, a thought came to me. The  tag of war to be  always will be  there: to feed your body properly & nutritionally beneficial or feed your soul?
This is what I mean. We, as women, have a natural interest towards cooking. Especially when we have right ingredients. But even as Christian women can get carried away. Being an expert in any area requires putting a lot of hours into practice. I've met plenty of Christian women who are excellent cooks and spent hours in the kitchen, experimenting, but they never study the Bible in-depth. Once, a friend of our family, had invited us to his inauguration service. The spread afterwards was phenomenal. I have not seen such amazingly delicious and impressive cakes in any church before. But the spiritual discernment  from the Lord(now I know ), almost took my appetite away. I thought to myself: 'Surely, women who cook such cakes, can't be excellent at baking and at the same time diligently studying God's word?' This thought would not leave me, so after we got home I shared this concern with my husband. Guess what? A few months later we've received a phone call. Our friend along with his family has been kicked out from that church.
I think in the age when the soil has been deprived from vitamins, when pollution is high, when vegetables are not from the garden,and new poison being invented by the scientists almost daily to 'enhance' our food, we must be concerned. And not concerned at the same time. Yes, it is important what we feed ourselves intelligently.
But we also have to remember that Jesus will give us new resurrected body for eternity to enjoy! Surely out of gratitude we must spend some time in His truth and in His presence every day. If this doesn't happen because we are too busy in the kitchen, it is not worth the trouble.
In Russia, there is a tradition to color eggs  and bake special cake for Easter  celebration, Pascka. Eggs are easy to make, but you have to be a decent baker to produce a delicious traditional cake. Most of the Orthodox women can easily bake a cake such as this, but many of them had never even read the Bible. When I first became a Christian, I didn't really understand what was this rebuke was all about in gospel of Matthew 16:3
'And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.' Now, to me it is almost sounds as Jesus was saying : ' You know how to make high complexity cakes, but there is no intimacy between us. You have no idea what I desire from you' Let's not get carried away in the kitchen if it takes spiritual nourishment away.
I've seen  in local magazines and newspaper a cunning way to explain away an Easter as just a Spring celebration. I assure you a false banknote is fake no matter how hard you try to state otherwise. The were saying that Easter is originally a Spring celebration with bunnies and egg hunts, that Emperor Constantine turned it into a Christian celebration later on and ect. Well, today the whole  nation of England had a day off to celebrate Good Friday. And Sunday's celebration is only possible because of Friday. Last time I've checked Emperor Constantine is long gone and not twisting anyone's arm = don't be a hypocrite, introduce a Spring holiday! Easter isn't about food or bunnies no matter how you turn or twist it.  Chase your bunnies, eat your eggs, but why impose all that as  more significant or glorious than death & resurrection of your Creator? I think that is exactly what atheists are trying to do. They don't really care about eggs or bunnies, as long as a Christian message drowns somewhere in the bushes.
Let's get our lamps ready with oil, Jesus might return at any moment. It is best to be  found ready for His return.7

 Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps.  And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’  And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut.

May this Easter draw you close to the most wonderful and perfect being you will ever consider knowing - Jesus Christ. His love was so great that He allowed a creature to torture His Creator. What a thought to ponder!

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