Saturday 27 October 2012

A water rat and river pearls.

Queen Barbara Radvilaite with her pearls.

'Coco Chanel was convinced that no fashionable lady could do without pearls. Such attitudes about power jewels reinforce each other, suggesting that they are about equally alluring today, neither one monopolizing all the glamour. Yet, historically, there is no question that pearls have long been far more prestigious. The taste for diamonds coalesced at the court of Versailles just three centuries ago, while pearls, the "Queen of Gems," have been coveted worldwide for millennia. Pearls, ever in vogue among high-status and pedigreed women, will surely continue bewitching them for generations to come.'

Today I'm compelled to wrap up about the fear issue, but the topic is endless because every time after the very minute a God-honoring decision has been made, with much prayer and meditation on God's word, Mr. Fear pays a visit in a company of Ms Doubt. What is interesting, Mr. Fear in no doubt what he wants to do: to spread his influence in every area of a believer's life. Some Christians even struggle with their faith regarding salvation from time to time. By the grace of God I've never hit that place spiritually, so I can't speak much about it. But I know exactly how it feels to be swept by the floods of doubts. The enemy knows well that this path will only lead to God-honoring, satisfying circumstances in life, which he hates so much.Now I have to re-tell the stories from my walk with the Lord to my children in order not to forget how great and personal God is, what a grand adventure life by faith could be. 

It is a joke to explain to an unbeliever what marvelous things God has done in my life. The fact that I experience His presence daily. It is almost the same as trying to explain to a man how to give birth to a baby. My life is one giant quest of faith and God's supernatural interference, which is a task  to explain in mere  words. But will try anyway.

The very first massive promise from God, once I became a believer, was about going to study in the capital of Russia. That was rather ' an ambiguous promise' considering that I had no money left or family residing there to help. God miraculously fulfilled that promise. A promise that followed was about going to the Bible College in CA, USA. I had a huge obstacle, no passport to travel, but once again inexplicably the Lord had provided and opened the door wide.

Another immense promise was about my future husband. The Lord handpicked and showed to me who my husband is going to be. In spite of all obstacles and many doubts believe it or not, God did put us together wiping my fear with His word 'for nothing is impossible with God' Luke 1:37.  So we got married.      

When I look back, I see God of personal miracles all along, so it is not an irrational thing for me to believe other miraculous events that are mentioned in the Bible. On the contrary, I anticipate it.    

In my recent discussion with an atheist, I was challenged about everything I believe about God. I was surprise myself on the affect that it had on me, so I'm taking time to chew over it. This exchange of ideas and personal convictions went back and forth for about three weeks. He raised a lot of challenging questions, but the main thread in all of our conversations was  'there is no evidence for the existence of God' and there is no such thing as a 'Christian scientist' either.  While I had no problem explaining his misconceptions about Christianity, my unwavering faith in all-powerful God who performs miracles, he wasn't able to listen or receive this information. That was truly amazing. His reasoning was:'it makes sense to believe in good of humanity rather than God', 'live for the moment rather than consider eternity.' 'No, the fact that we have morals doesn't point to a moral -Giver, believe because you want to believe, not because there is evidence or Christian scientists discovered anything and ect. Fox News announcement about Noah's Ark being found can't be valid!' Not that I had no evidence or complete lack of knowledge of God. Anything I pointed him to wasn't true for him or good enough! This passage of Scripture comes to mind:    

        About the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and began teaching. The Jews therefore marveled  saying, “How is it that this man has learning, when he has never studied?” So Jesus answered them, “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me. If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority. (John 7:14-17 ESV)

So, did the Jews believe much?  Not at all.    As the Lord graciously suggests in another passage of Scripture it is about time we stop throwing pearls before pigs (Matthew 7:6). It is time to move on and find someone who is open-minded and willing to be challenged I guess…

After being through such an emotional challenge, my rival particularly had deep hatred towards the 'Christian god' who doesn't even exist! Interesting logic.

In the end I had to say: 'I'm speechless.' And that brought the whole discussion to a permanent stop.

An illustration by Jesus from a parable really helped me to cheer up. At first, I was disappointed that this OU student I had discussion with, wasn't even any closer to consider the Lord. But I knew that as long as I'm praying for him Holy Spirit will do His work, I'm not left alone to convince him. The more I thought about it, the more I've realized:'Bingo, the truth is mine to keep!' Jesus explained about the kingdom of heaven comparing it to a pearl of great price. This is mine to keep no matter whether others believe or not, challenge my faith or agree with me. The pearls are staying and their value remains.

A few years ago my mother brought me river pearls from Russia. They are my greatest material possession, but they could be just stolen. The truth once you received it - can't be. Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. I had this discussion going via e-mail while talking to a 'Christian friend' by texts. She professed to be a believer, now she was saying that my truth is true for me, but she has her own truth that is true for her. According to this thinking there is no such thing as absolute truth. Wow! That was more that sad for me. I could only ask her: 'Can you be absolutely sure about it?' During our life as a Christian, we will be challenged by both believers and non-believers alike. Because our walk with the Lord is so very different from each other.        

Recently, while waiting for the dentist, I came across an article on Stephen Lawrence. He was an accomplished young man who got killed in Britain about 19 years ago in a racist attack. His mother said that she thought it was something that happened on the TV, not in real life. I don’t think she will ever get over the shock that took her son and consequently broke her home up. Even though she set up a Charity Fund for less fortunate young people and blessed over 100 of them with real help, she would rather have her son back. This is a matter of perspective again - she has no guarantee that she will ever see him again. Ever. So much for the good of humanity! Yet another example that contradicts.

While we as Christians are being ridiculed in today's Britain, we know that our faith is only a start for the thing yet to come, the spiritual reality that is still veiled by the Lord.

Have you ever stayed or lived in a proper castle? I did once. The feeling is incredible. I think Castles only exist for one reason only - to give a taster of what Jesus' mansion will be like with many rooms! Not even a close visual, but at least a weak visual is better than nothing for us so physical and so human beings.  

Considering all that, God with His unfailing promises, why atheist pity us Christians is a big question still. What is so much better that they have to offer? I wish someone gave me a convincing answer yet. Believers know their Maker, Father, Lord, Master, Friend, Comforter, Strong Tower - the list is inexhaustible really personally and this knowledge impossible to fake. You either met the President, or not. Simple as that. We know not of him, but met with him. That's exactly how it works with the Lord.

To end this entry, I would love to quote a passage from one of the oldest books in the Bible, Job. A man who knew His God intimately both is great sorrow and great prosperity. This is what he has to say:

And where is the place of understanding?
Man does not know its worth,
and it is not found in the land of the living.
The deep says, ‘It is not in me,’
and the sea says, ‘It is not with me.’
It cannot be bought for gold,
and silver cannot be weighed as its price.
It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir,
in precious onyx or sapphire.
Gold and glass cannot equal it,
nor can it be exchanged for jewels of fine gold.
No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal;
the price of wisdom is above pearls.
The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it,
no can it be valued in pure gold.
“From where, then, does wisdom come?
And where is the place of understanding?
It is hidden from the eyes of all living
and concealed from the birds of the air.
Abaddon and Death say,
‘We have heard a rumour of it with our ears.’
“God understands the way to it,
and he knows its place.
For he looks to the ends of the earth
and sees everything under the heavens.
When he gave to the wind its weight
and apportioned the waters by measure,
when he made a decree for the rain
and a way for the lightning of the thunder,
then he saw it and declared it;
he established it, and searched it out.
And he said to man,
‘Behold,  the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”

After my discussion with a man who preferred to believe in good of humanity, death, no hope of better things to come, great uncertainty about his eternal destination, I felt rather ill in my spirit.  The very same week as we were abut to have lunch at home an old water rat crawled into the garden and was lying right outside of our big dinning room window. We all lost our appetite. She was so miserable and somehow it was so unpleasant even to look at her. We knew that she was still alive, but about to die any moment. A friend who happened to come over for some business finished her off with one blow on the head. Often that all it takes to finish off all the arguments against existence of God if we have the opportunity. But the only question that matters in the end: 'Who's got the pearls?!!

Friday 19 October 2012

GAP: God&autumn& His promises. Surfing on the waves of fear!

I think it is a brilliant idea to write and bless others if you have spare time which is rare in our busy 21 century! When you think about it, it shocking that we have so little spare time with all the technological and domestic progress going for us.
  The splendour of writing is this though: you never know who might read it around the glob and how it might touch them. Modern technology gives the writer immense potential and puts writing in a whole new dimension. So, with such a thought in mind I've embarked on this adventure.

I had a lot of ideas that were waiting to be put on the paper. What had happened in this time in my life? Not much and quite a bit.  We had two more children making it five in total. The Lord had opened up  the  doors for my husband to be involved in spiritually significant  ministry oversees. We had moved from lovely Sussex with its well-known Downs to flat, but friendly Suffolk.  Other mums knowing what is going on in my life  ask me: 'How do you manage five children and everything else?'  My answer always the same: 'How do you train for Olympics?' This doesn't happen over night, does it? A good tip that makes a huge difference is out things into right PERSPECTIVE.

 Once my husband pointed out that he would not be able to do what he does for the Lord is I didn't keep the fire going at home. This thought usually gives me second breath in time of stress or difficulty while he is away. The day will come when the Lord will gather His people from every tribe and nation to spend eternity with Him. Stuart Townend  penned this beautifully:
              With a shout You rose victorious,
               wrestling victory from the grave,
                and ascended into heaven
               leading captives in You wake.
               Now You stand before the Father
                Interceding for You own.
                 From each tribe and tongue and nation           
                 You are leading sinners home.        
 The knowledge of that worth every sacrifice and ever tear now. The Lord graciously and patiently builds up a believer DAILY, giving him DESIRE to grow spiritually so that one day he is ready to handle anything graciously sent by God his way…

Here is a good illustration to that:

Autumn had already arrived in Suffolk with its colder mornings and evenings, carrying variety of crops on its shoulders. But as I was pushing a double buggy, not feeling too well with a full-blown headache, a sore throat, extra tired due to my husband being in Tanzania, I felt rather sorry for myself.

 The air first thing in the morning was fresh and crisp, keeping me awake. I've dropped off my two older boys at school. As I was slowly making my way home, in the midst of this feel-not-too-good-at-all situation, suddenly such a pleasant feeling overwhelmed me. The Lord hadn't taken away my tiredness or sickness instantly, but out of compassion, He let me know that I'm in the right place, at the right time. He placed me here Himself. Such awareness was priceless. In that moment, I knew that my hands were full of 'GOOD THINGS' which will bear good fruit in His time.  To receive fullness that came from the hands of God is an amazing experience! There is nothing quite like it. These thoughts gave me new energy and desire to press on. I knew, no matter what might be offered to me instead of my busy-too tired-no freedom scenario, I would not wish to swap! The Lord gives strengths   exactly when you needed it the most, not 'five years in advance.'

Fear could be crippling, paralysing, such a powerful feeling towards unknown stops most brave out of us from receiving greatest blessings from the Lord. It is no wonder that the Lord required from Israelites to leave Egypt first, THEN He parted the sea; He asked the priests to step into the water of Jordan and THEN He had parted it. I had to learn this truth from the Scripture experientially: the Lord wants to see if believers are prepared to part with fear before He enables you and me to face challenges.

Our modern society is obsessed with knowing the future. Masses of people are onto personal star readings, horoscopes, any predictions by anything or anyone about the future, foolishly convinced that they can  do anything about it. Perhaps  in such a way they seek to suppress the giant fear of unknown. A Pharaoh of old, no matter how many start or gods he has consulted, could not do a thing about his own end, no can those  who don't lean on the Lord who had created heavens and the earth or His wisdom. This real God alone has all power over time, space & matter since He had created it. It is true that a lot of people in Western society don't believe that today. It is their right to be wrong. The Bible declares: 'A fool said in his heart that there is no God.' Sadly, this is partly true even for believers. Many of us doubt and fearful. As a mother I do struggle daily with fear over this or that. A friend who came to spend a weekend asked me: 'Do you have doubts/fears?' Of course, I do. The Lord never expects me not to, either. The right question would be: 'What do you do about your fears?' I deal with them, as they were weeds, by pulling them out one by one through prayer. Only then I am able to live victoriously through Christ who strengthens me. If I fail to pool my fears by the roots, I try harder next time, but I don't give up and don't let it mount up. This is our small part in God's big plan for our lives. If we fail to do it regularly, we have no one, but ourselves to blame. 

 The photo above goes back to the times when my husband was a surfer. I am not sure if he would be able to surf so confidently now  not being able to surf for many years! Skills normally demand a daily practice. At first, when you look at it, you might think: 'I would never be able to do that!' Personally, I've tried only once to surf.  And never had a desire to do it again: a massive wave came from behind by knocking me right down while surfboard hit me on the head. After drinking plenty of concentrated salty water, I came up and swam for my life. Fear got a tight grip on my desire to surf! That's o.k.  I am only missing out on intense rush of adrenaline (as my husband describes surfing in a nutshell) while sharks are seeking to get acquainted with me. But I haven't walked away from that experience with nothing to learn.
I've realized that if I want to succeed I must give it another try. I must defeat my fear or it will defeat me, eventually. This is especially applicable in a spiritual sense.

You know how some people like to read joke books. My kids do it all the time. Every time I open the Bible, I could find something so entertaining. I don’t need a joke book. God has the best sense of humour. Say for example, a passage where God had addressed Gideon, while he was hiding from the Philistines, a 'Man of valour'.  How hilarious  is that! God has a great sense of humour and He has a power to make any human a man of valour. I think both are true. His power is constant. Today any one who trusts in Him could have courage to surf the waves of fear in life confidently while standing on God's eternal promises: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the LORD.
                                 He is like a tree planted by water,
                                     that sends out its roots by the stream,
                                   and does not fear when heat comes,
                                                for its leaves remain green,
                                  and is not anxious in the year of drought,
                                         for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
                                                Jeremiah 17:7-8