Saturday 12 April 2008


Hello friends,
At our church (MPBC) we've just started a book club and just finished reading the first book "The glory of Christ" by John Owen. The only sad thing is - it was an abridged version! At the time as I was finishing the book I was talking to a Christian friend who said that she only has time for the spiritual food and God will take care of the rest. She does not have time or energy to be bothered to worry about her body. She does not even have a family yet. =)
My opinion is rather the opposite. In my own experience I found that body and soul are so connected with each other that to ignore one surely means to make the other less effective eventually. It will be just a matter of time. Sick and tired one's can't accomplish much for the Lord and His Kingdom.
It is interesting enough to make the parrallel with what John Owen said:"As we grow older we lose much of our natural appetite for food. We say it does not taste as good as when we were younger. But the change is in ourselves, not in the food. So it is with the word of God which the Psalmist says is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb (Ps. 19:10). If we were hungry, we would find a sweetness in its bitterest reproofs."
I don't know if anyone can see what I can see, but to me if we lay a healthy pattern in our lives from the start (when we are younger possibly) it is so much easier to be disciplined and serve the Lord more effectively. Simply have the energy to read His word continually no matter what the circumstances in lives are (married with kids or single), pray fervently and fast on a regular basis. I remember when I was working with the missionaries, a few of us tried to be healthy - to do aerobics, running, healthy eating, fasting - it was really impressive/challenging to unbelievers and a good example to other Christians. To say that because we are Christians we wont have any issues with health or only because we are Christians we wont have problems in marriage is very foolish. We need to make an effort in every area of our lives. If God sends us an affliction in His Sovereignty it is all together a different thing, but I've met Christians who wont do much to stay healthy and think that God will take care of them?!!! I believe that God gave us brain, will and abilities not to expect Himself to come down and do everything for us! What do you think folks? If you are agree it must be not merely in your head (both spiritual and physical issues), but in practice with redeeming the time attitude too. Selah!